Business Transfers and Strategies Logo, BTS, Business Transfers and Strategies Windham NH, Steve and Brandon Smith

About Us

Why our clients choose BTS time and time again.

Buy Side Acquisition, Buying and Selling a Business, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Transfers

Why Our Clients Hire Us

Business Transfers & Strategies stands on a foundation of professionalism, integrity, and business acumen. We provide personalized services to support our clients in successfully acquiring profitable businesses. Our mission is to find businesses that align with our clients’ acquisition criteria, and to do so more quickly and efficiently than they could independently.

Acquiring a business is a complex process, one where you can’t afford to make mistakes. 

It takes many transactions to know where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. Our clients don’t want to become experts at finding and buying businesses. Instead, they want to quickly acquire a great business and then apply their management skills to improve the business. Many times, our clients come to us after looking for a suitable acquisition target for over a year, to no avail. By then, they have wasted considerable time and money.

Our Specialty

BTS specializes in matching client-specific requirements and revealing acquisition targets that aren’t publicly available for sale, also known as proprietary opportunities. It’s not unusual for our clients to examine dozens of companies—companies that perfectly meet their acquisition criteria. Our systematic lead generation approach allows our clients to spend the majority of their time evaluating these companies to determine which best align with their goals. Additionally, we offer guidance to clients who may only have a general idea about the type of business they’re interested in. We discuss their background and aspirations to identify sectors that present the most promising opportunities for them.

At BTS, we cater to clients who are interested in building wealth through business ownership, and those yearning for a sense of accomplishment in managing and expanding the business. Personal success often takes precedence over monetary rewards.

Business Transfers and Strategies Specialties, Acquiring A Business, How To Buy A Company

Steve Smith

With over twenty years of experience in mergers and acquisitions, Steve brings significant business expertise to each engagement. 

Before co-founding BTS, he spent fifteen years in the high-tech sector, playing a pivotal role in the hyper-growth of several pre- and post-IPO companies such as Xircom, Hayes, Digital, and CMGI. 

Steve’s distinctive mix of marketing, product management, finance, and contracts expertise enables him to swiftly identify and assess opportunities, devise an acquisition structure, finalize business terms, and successfully close transactions. 

His meticulous business analysis and cooperative style results in a win-win for both the buyer and the seller. 

Steve can be contacted at:

Steve Smith, Mergers and Acquisitions Professional, Business Transfers and Strategies, Windham New Hampshire
Brandon Smith, Partner Business Transfers and Strategies BTS, Licensed Real Estate Broker (GA), Windham New Hampshire

Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith, B.S. Biology, Licensed Real Estate Broker (GA), and partner at BTS, brings a wealth of experience to the table. Apart from contributing to the family business, BTS, during high school and college, he has nearly five years of experience in small and lower middle market mergers and acquisitions. 

This experience, which includes representing sell-side small business opportunities, offers him unique insights into the thought processes and strategies of both business sellers and their advisors. Brandon’s current role includes deal origination, client outreach management, as well as market and business intelligence provision.

He is the lead advisor for clients particularly interested in the medical or technology-oriented industry verticals, but is competent in delivering comprehensive buyer services across all industries.

Brandon can be reached at: