Business Transfers and Strategies Logo, BTS, Business Transfers and Strategies Windham NH, Steve and Brandon Smith

Our Clients

Our clientele falls into two main categories: individuals and entities.

business transfers


Our services cater to highly qualified individuals armed with management experience and adequate capital to acquire and oversee a small or mid-sized business. These clients typically seek businesses with ‘untapped potential,’ where they can deploy their skills, experience, and drive to expand an already profitable, stable enterprise.

Our individual clients often boast backgrounds encompassing 15+ years of corporate management or business ownership, along with experience in sales, marketing, general management, or operations. They usually possess liquid assets or equity of at least $300K to invest in the transaction. These clients typically bring directly applicable or transferable industry experience to the business they’re acquiring. The acquisition targets our individual clients typically seek have annual revenues ranging from $2M to $10M.


Our entity clients include companies, family offices, and private equity groups with annual revenue between $5 million and $50 million, who are prepared to pay a fair market price to gain additional capacity, capabilities, product lines, or customers.

The family office and private equity clients that we represent are predominantly based in the United States and are actively seeking to acquire companies at a national or international level. The target companies they pursue generally have annual revenues between $5M and $50M for standalone opportunities, and slightly less for fold-in/add-on opportunities.

Our strength lies in identifying companies that may be more difficult to discover, possess greater growth potential, and maintain a higher level of specialization than most businesses. The bulk of our transactions have taken place within the manufacturing, distribution, and service industries.

Buy A Business, Business Acquisition Strategy, Business Transfers, How to Buy a Business